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- 2049 – Health of the Ocean – Health of Man

The Covid 19 pandemic invites us to rethink our relationship with the environment
and the ocean.
On September 23rd, “L’Obs” and the Oceanographic Institute invite you to an exceptional meeting with experts, great witnesses, innovators…
– Conference in French –
This meeting is part of the “2049” cycle of “L’Obs”.
watch the live stream :
Opening by Robert Calcagno
Health of the Ocean, health of Man
The health of the Ocean is intimately linked to that of Man.
Will the marine world provide us with the cures of tomorrow?
Meetings with P. Rampal (CSM) and F. Houllier (Ifremer)
Moderated by the Oceanographic Institute
The look of Ghislain Bardout (Under the pole)
The diver and naturalist shares his experience during the “Under the Pole III” expedition and the monitoring of the effects of containment.
Round Table: Preserving a healthy and living Ocean
Marine protected areas, fisheries, coastal development, urban planning, tourism… an overview of sustainable solutions for the Mediterranean in 2049.
Two speakers:
Joachim Claudet (CRIOBE)
Lucile Courtial (BeMed)
Moderation: L’Obs.
The startup pitch
Three innovative entrepreneurs present their innovations for the future of the Mediterranean.
Mathieu Coulange (Assistance publique Hôpitaux de Marseille), Gilles Lecaillon (Ecocean),
Franck Zal (Hemarina)